
Today Bristol has a population of approximately 1,000 residents. Bristol’s residents are known as helpful, caring people. Hard work and the love of our natural resources are the back bone of our residents. Bristol is surrounded by the beautiful Apalachicola River which is the largest river by volume in the state of Florida.
The Bristol Volunteer Fire Department is a true testament to the giving nature of our residents. The small fire department made up solely of volunteers is depended on by residents and they are always there when called upon.
Make plans to visit our “Friendly City” soon and feel the southern hospitality for yourself!
The City of Bristol offers the following services to its residents:
- Fire Protection
- Garbage
- Sewer
- Water
City Hall
- Physical: 12444 NW Virginia G. Weaver Street
- Mailing: P.O. Box 207 Bristol, Florida 32321
- Phone: 850-643-2261
- Fax: 850-643-4525
In Bristol, from Hwy. 20, turn north onto Virginia G. Weaver Street and cross over Main. City Hall is on the right, located at the corner of Virginia G. Weaver Street and Main Street.
Office Hours
Monday - Friday:
- 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
- 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Holiday Schedule
City Hall will be closed in observance of the following holidays:
- New Year’s Day
- Martin Luther King Day
- Good Friday
- Memorial Day
- Independence Day
- Labor Day
- Veterans’ Day
- Thanksgiving Day
- The day after Thanksgiving Day
- Christmas Eve
- Christmas Day
Holidays Falling On Weekends:
When a holiday falls on Saturday, it will be observed on the preceding Friday. When a holiday falls on Sunday, the following Monday will be observed as a holiday.
Public Officials
James P. Kersey, Mayor
- Email: jkersey.cob@fairpoint.net
Robin Hatcher, City Clerk
City Council
(Please visit our City Council page for Council Members.)
Department Staff
Garry Millender - Building Official
- Direct Phone: (850) 323-2675
- Email: garrymillender@yahoo.com
Dale Hobby - Fire Chief
- Direct Phone: (850) 508-1336
- Email: dhobby.cob@fairpoint.net
Tony Arrant - City Planner
- Phone: (850) 570-2423
- Email: taaplan@aol.com
Richard Mims - Public Works Supervisor
- Direct Phone: (850) 643-8409
- Email: rmims.cob@fairpoint.net
Page Wahlquist - Water / Wastewater Operator
- Plant Phone: (850) 643-1355
- Email: pwahlquist.cob@fairpoint.net
Hartman Law Firm, P.A. - City Attorneys Josh Pasqualone and Dan Hartman
- Email: jpasqualone@gmail.com
- Email: dan@fllegalteam.com